tick off


tick off

tarkastaa, ottaa selvää, tutkia, tarkistaa, syynätä, kontrolloida, käydä läpi, katsastaa, tsekata, ruksata, rastittaa, merkitä, merkittää, rastia, merkitä rastilla, kuitata, varmistaa, pitää huoli, turvata, valvoa, vahvistaa, taata.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tick off englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To sign with a tick.

  2. I ticked off Harry today because he announced he was present.

    I ticked three things off the list in my head, and had only four chores left to do.

  3. To list (gloss).

  4. 2010, David A. Powell, Failure in the Saddle, w:Savas Beatie|Savas Beatie, ISBN 9781932714876, page 68 http://books.google.com/books?id=tg0bYP_xRcAC&pg=PA68&dq=ticked:

  5. In a lengthy missive dispatched the next afternoon, Wheeler ticked off a laundry list of reasons why he could not obey Bragg's order.
  6. puhekieltä To annoy, aggravate.

  7. It really ticks me off when people dont use proper punctuation.''

  8. puhekieltä To reprimand.

  9. Fred was ticked off by the teacher for playing around in class.
